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3 posts tagged with "Cloud Native"

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Brooks Townsend
Brooks Townsend
Brooks Townsend
||4 min read

From the beginning of our days developing wasmCloud, we took a stance to be compatible with today's technology without being dependent on it. So, wasmCloud needed to be able to:

  • Run inside or outside of a container
  • Run inside of Kubernetes or another orchestrator and run without it
  • Run on Linux, but also support Mac and Windows (and not just WSL)
  • Etc
Taylor Thomas
Taylor Thomas
Taylor Thomas
||5 min read

One of the things we've run into as we've worked with customers and developed our own examples at Cosmonic is the need to serve UIs that are consuming services you are running inside of wasmCloud. Our own examples required you to either run the UI using npm or to run a docker image. This felt less than ideal and didn't fit with our vision of WebAssembly being the future of distributed computing.

We just released a new version of the petclinic example that demonstrates how you can bundle up a UI for your application into a single actor. Now when you start the full petclinic example, the API and UI are served from the same place

Brooks Townsend
Brooks Townsend
Brooks Townsend
||2 min read

Hybrid meetup hosted by Stuart Harris, co-founder, Red Badger on Wed., March 2, part of a series called “Wheel of Tech”

Guest presenters from Cosmonic included Brooks Townsend, lead software engineer, and Taylor Thomas, engineering director. Also presenting was Kostya Babanakov, enterprise solutions engineer, SingleStore UK and EMEA.

This event focused on why the use of WebAssembly server-side represents a major revolution in platform design as we move beyond the cloud as a destination. Coupled with products like wasmCloud and NATS, WebAssembly is creating a whole new paradigm for cloud native and eliminating entire classes of problems in the process.

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