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4 posts tagged with "components"

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Bailey Hayes
Bailey Hayes
Bailey Hayes
||2 min read

WIT, or Wasm Interface Types, allows WebAssembly modules to communicate with each other using complex data types. WIT is a language agnostic interface definition language (IDL) that enables composing WebAssembly components, regardless of source language, using language-specific bindings. If you're using a WIT-generated set of language bindings it will feel just like using a regular language SDK. If you're writing your own WIT, then this guide is for you!

Kevin Hoffman
Kevin Hoffman
Kevin Hoffman
||7 min read

An examination of how wasifills—a component adapter pattern like polyfills, but for components—can help bridge the gap between today's rapidly changing standards landscape and the future of interoperable components facilitated with wit and wit worlds. It's an amazing time to be on the bleeding edge of the WebAssembly adoption curve, but it's not without risk.

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