Making sure that the team has a holistic view of the event flows throughout an application while still being able to synchronize code, schemas, and documentation is probably harder than actually writing the code.
3 posts tagged with "concordance"
View All TagsPassing Time in Event Sourced Applications
Time is one of those things we all take for granted. Time marches on and does a dozen other things described by pithy sayings on T-shirts and motivational posters. When it comes to software, however, time is often our worst enemy. In this blog post, I talk about some patterns for dealing with the passage of time in event sourced applications.

Commands Do Not Exist (and other event sourcing fun)
Recently I had the opportunity to pick the brain of someone who has more experience and exposure to large scale, event-sourced systems than I do. We talked about event sourcing, specifically command processing, the subject of this blog post. It was an enlightening conversation that reminded me that insight is information tempered with experience. No amount of book reading is a substitute for learning from watching things go horribly wrong in production 😃.

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