During WasmDay and KubeCon EU, a handful of cloud native developers demonstrated how they’re using WebAssembly and wasmCloud to simplify distributed application development and dramatically reduce their costs.
In his Lightning Talk, “wasmCloud and Bevy ECS: Solution to Woe of Indie Game Developers” Alan, Poon Yong Quan demonstrated how he’s using wasmCloud and Bevy ECS, a data-driven game engine built in Rust, to lower cloud platform costs for multi-player games.
He contends games developers should be able to upload games as easily and inexpensively as YouTubers uploading videos to their channels, which is essentially free. However, while YouTube absorbs content upload costs, there’s no way for gamers to recuperate the costs of uploading and downloading their games to AWS. As a result, cost-conscious indie games developers resort to shutting down their AWS instances - and disrupting gameplay - when uploading and downloading game logic to correct errors.
Watch how wasmCloud makes the development and update process far faster, with a much smaller container that costs less to upload at near native speeds.
Freeing indie game developers from the excessive costs of underutilized cloud VMs allows them to offer basic versions of the game for free. With lower server hosting and upgrade costs, game developers can pursue monetization strategies that don't require an upfront cost from the player.
Be sure to also check out BMW’s Cloud Native Rejekts EU 2022 presentation, Designing enterprise-ready machine learning applications with WebAssembly & wasmCloud (BMW) and Adobe’s Wasm Beyond the Browser: Use Cases at Scale (Adobe).